Shane Mulgrew was all set to be a professional footballer. Then life took a different turn. What he did to be successful through change is a lesson for all of us when things don’t go the way we want.
Key Take Aways
Here is how Shane put it:
I would never say that we can have bad days. I think bad days is the result of bad moments that are involved in your day.
It’s really about awareness. The first thing, when I work with anybody, either in personal development or business, it’s awareness, because if you’re unaware of something, that’s very hard for you to change it or even want to have a solution for it, or to know that that there’s a problem there.
Awareness is the first thing, and there is a time we become aware of certain things.
For example, let’s say you you wake up and you’re not exactly feeling yourself. You know, you’re not exactly feeling like doing what needs to be done. That’s an awareness. So, you’re aware that, that you’re in this particular mood, that your attitude’s not that great.
Once you become aware, then you can decide to change that. That’s what we always teach people is making them come up with sort of internal triggers within themselves to become aware and then to change how they feel.
The other thing is there’s so many distractions in the world. There are so many reasons not to do things or to feel down or to feel a wee bit depressed or not yourself. There are so many reasons we don’t need people to tell us we just need to go in and switch on the TV, that will definitely make you feel bad, looking at all the problems that’s going on around the world. We advise people just to be careful and to protect themselves in their day to try and eliminate distractions and negativity in that way.
And then the last thing is nature. Nature is just a really natural healing environment. It makes you feel so good. I would leave technology. I would even go by yourself and just spend some time in nature. I think that’s, it’s real relaxing, it’s healing. And I think every day we should definitely spend some alone time in nature away from technology, away from the busy world, the hustle and the bustle and all that.